Fashion Accessories Retailer, Argentina, South America
Industry: Ecommerce
Images of watches, purses, bags, luggage products and other fashion accessories to be cleaned up subtly for product, light adjustment and complete extraction from the backdrop.
After comprehending client requirements; it was concluded to use Adobe Photoshop for editing and Adobe Lightroom for color corrections for successfully executing this image enhancement project.
Delivered more than 70,000 images with post production by cleaning up product, light adjustment and complete extraction from the backdrop.
Graphic designers specially focused on cleaning up the dust particles and scratches from product images while maintaining resolutions and size. Appropriate care was taken to remove the blemishes, scratches and apply a smooth action by reducing the opacity. Graphic designers are working on this ongoing project, enhancing more than 500 images month on month. Upon completion, the process of data transfer through server was followed to send, images back to the client.